Saturday, January 23, 2010

In class this week we mentioned how on the bottom of Forever 21 shopping bags was a bible verse. This bible verse is John 3:16 and it says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." The whole bible verse in not printed out so it is not very noticeable. As you can see in the picture to the right, it is just John 3:16 printed.

As mentioned in a Los Angeles Times article, the owners of Forever 21, Jin Sook Chang and Don are intense Christians. They have given a lot of money to their church and attend services early in the mornings. So they express their faith by putting a bible verse at the bottom of every bag to show others what they believe.

When the owners do this, they may be choosing a particular audience to come into the store. Even though I did not even know that this was located on the bottom of the bag and I'm not fully Christian. It may be a hidden audience they are trying to achieve. They should be careful because some people may be upset with this bible verse at the bottom if they are not Christian. This would then cause controversy and even loss in customers.

I am sure this happens with a lot of things that you do not really notice. We also talked about how on military guns they are putting this same bible verse on the gun. They engrave it on he side. This may have inspirational purpose to the audience to never give up or may have a negative effect if a non Christian soldier uses it. Whatever the reason is for engraving this verse on the side of a gun, it is notice just like the Forever 21 shopping bag.

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