Saturday, March 6, 2010

In class we discussed Logos, which means persuading by the use of reasoning. Reasoning meaning that its fact but also common sense in a way that everyone knows these already. In your paper you would use this technique on an audience to persuade them in your paper. Logos is Greek for word and refers to the consistency of the message you are trying to give. The clarity, logic, and how effective its evidence is very important. You can use two different kinds of logic, inductive and deductive. Inductive logic is telling the reader similar examples and then having a general plan from them. Or you can use deductive which is giving the audience a couple general plan and then drawing a truth.

On, it has an example of putting condom machines on campus. He also uses a logical form of persuasive essays that works well on his topic. The author gives many reasons for this like:
1. There are children each year that the parents do not want or are left to fend for themselves.
2. Condoms make sex safer
3. The amount of people getting a STD are increasing

I could not read the rest of the example with out signing up for a subscription and would of liked to read more about it. This author used logos to persuade his audience by using reasoning. His reasonings are illustrated above and make me even want to put a machine on our campus. This example makes you think about this issue and does not make you feel offended or attacked by the author. In many of my papers in high school was in this format and i did not even realize it. Now that I know the different forms of persuasive essays, I can use different ones to see which one is more effective.


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